Welcome to Bonsai Madness

Welcome to Bonsai Madness's website!
We offer a wide variety of high-quality Bonsai trees, pots, and accessories for both beginner and experienced Bonsai enthusiasts.
Our selection includes traditional and exotic species, and our knowledgeable Bonsai Doctor is here to help you choose the perfect tree and provide expert care advice.

Start your Bonsai journey today!

Meet the Bonsai Doctor

Nice to meet you, I'm  JD Malan.

My experience in the art of Bonsai’s can be to your benefit, whether you tree need’s seasonal trimming, training or repotting.
It is my goal to ensure these significant miniature trees are thriving in every home.

Bonsais add value to your soul, it is a unique art and perfect to fill grey space with a hint of nature.

Bonsai Madness offers a variety of affordable and uncomplicated services, from equipment, educational material(books), custom Bonsai orders, pots to and any Bonsai needs.

It's a pleasure to connect with fellow Bonsai enthusiasts and to share my Bonsai journey with you.


Hello, fellow Bonsai enthusiast! It's wonderful to connect with someone who shares the passion for this beautiful art form. Bonsai is a fascinating hobby that requires patience, dedication, and a deep appreciation for nature. As a Bonsai enthusiast, you understand the importance of proper care, styling, and maintenance to create a miniature tree that embodies the essence of its full-sized counterpart. 

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